County Master Facilities Plan and Comprehensive Financial Plan Process Moves to Final Phase

Cascade, Idaho – The County’s Master Facilities Plan (MFP) and Comprehensive Financial Plan (CFP) process is entering its final stages. While previous work has centered around future physical needs and improvements, the final phase will recommend financial strategies to implement priorities identified in the MFP.

Consultant Clearwater Financial is completing several analyses to guide long-term financial decisions and annual budgets to ensure resources are in place for future facility and operational needs to provide consistent delivery of public services.

The CFP process begins with analysis of historical revenues and expenses and current County banking and investment policies to establish a baseline used to model future financial forecasts. Final forecasts will incorporate available and estimated revenues and anticipated expenses to develop annual net income projections. The final CFP will recommend financial strategies to address future revenues or potential shortfalls that may need to be overcome to meet prioritized facility needs.

“To develop accurate net income forecasts, it’s important to include implementation costs—ongoing operations and maintenance costs—to ensure the full financial impact of new or expanded facilities is accounted for in annual budgets,” said Jace Perry, Clearwater Financial Chief Operating Officer.

The process will also identify areas of opportunity including one-time or unique revenue streams such as grants, leveraging existing real property assets, community partnerships, new fees, bond proceeds or taxes.

“Annual CFP updates will be critical to adjust priorities and plans based on changing needs, revenues and expenditures, priorities, new funding opportunities, and market conditions,” Perry added.

Next Steps

The Citizens Committee will hold its fourth meeting later this month to review final prioritized facility needs and accompanying financial strategies. It is anticipated the Committee will propose a series of MFP and CFP recommendations to the Board of County Commissioners for consideration. 

Additional MFP and CFP information can be found on the City’s website:

More: Commissioners Announcements Community Announcements