Wildfire Evacuation

Homeowners living in the wildland/urban interface need to be prepared to evacuate themselves, their pets and their livestock in the event of a wildfire disaster. Once evacuation orders have been given, it is vitally important that WUI residents leave early - 60 percent of lives lost to wildland fire are of those that chose to stay and wait and see, and then evacuated too late.

Ready, Set, Go: is a program for residents that can help you prepare for an evacuation in case of any emergency. With large scale disasters possible every month of the year, evacuations have become more commonplace. We encourage the adage, ‘when in doubt, get out!’ If you feel threatened, go! Keep in mind, in some cases, there is no time for formal evacuation notifications due to quickly changing conditions! Successfully preparing for a wildland fire enables you to take personal responsibility for protecting yourself, your family and your property. In order to achieve that goal, we use the Ready, Set, Go

Ready, Set, Go
Return Home After Wildfire

Evacuation orders will be sent out via, CodeRED.  Please download the mobile app and sign up.

CodeRed is fully Integrated with the Integrated Public Alert & Warning Systems (IPAWS) infrastructure from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Sign up for alerts at:
 www.co.valley.id.us or Scan the QR Code with your phone. 

General Information
Phone Numbers
(208) 382-7145
Emergencies: Dial 911
219 N. Main Street
PO Box 1350

Mara Hlawatschek
Program Director