
February 2024 Road Department Update

It is no secret that there are some R.O.U.G.H. roads in Valley County right now. And we hear you. We want to get them repaired, too! 

Here’s the thing – the wet, mild weather has meant spring-like conditions just about all winter. That makes the roads very soft any time they thaw out…and that freeze/thaw, freeze/thaw cycle has been especially hard on roadways. That also means that hauling the equipment we need over those soft surfaces we want to repair can actually do a lot more damage. So we have to wait. 

Until we can get our heavy equipment to these roadways to haul in the material we need to fix them properly, we are doing what we can in the interim – that means a lot of patching (eight tons worth of patch material thus far and counting).

And until we dry out, let’s help each other! Our crews will be working to continue to patch and repair the worst areas as best we can until a more permanent fix is possible. We would also ask that you slow down on roadways that are in rough shape – as you may have guessed, driving fast through potholes tends to just make them bigger (not to mention tears up your vehicle). 

Thank you for your patience as we wait out Mother Nature. 

October 2023 Road Department Update

This fall has been all about finalizing summer projects and prepping for the winter months ahead. Below is a snapshot of what our hard-working road crews have accomplished in October:

  • One critical item we are pleased to have installed are "Ice Warning Signs" for the S-Bridge on West Roseberry. These signs flash brightly when the humidity, air temp, and road surface temp meet a specific criterion. When all the parameters line up for a bridge to be icy, the signs will flash to alert drivers. They are solar operated and also have a radar built in so they only flash when a vehicle triggers them to come on. On the same bridge, we installed reflectors in the guardrail and we are getting ready to install reflective poles on the curbs. This project was paid for by a Safety Grant the County received. 
  • In this same vein, the Road Department installed LED, solar-operated arrows on the sharp corner on West Roseberry and Hawks Bay Road. This corner has been especially perilous for drivers in the winter. These only activate when vehicles trigger them also. This project was paid for by a Safety Grant the County received. 
  • We finished the rebuild of 1.5 miles on 60 Lane that was started last year.
  • We have replaced and repaired an additional 15 culverts throughout the county.
  • We finished seasonal backcountry maintenance in October, ending in the Deadwood/Bear Valley area.
  • A contractor is finishing up replacing 12 culverts and adding crush road base to No Business Road. This was through A RAC grant in cooperation with the USDA Forest Service.
  • We have been blading throughout the county as time, staffing, and emergency projects allow.
  • All contracted paving projects have been completed. The Road Department is now working on the gravel shoulders.
  • Architects are now working on plans for the new Cascade road facility at Gold Dust Pit, south of Cascade. More to follow!

August 2023 Road Department Update

Summer road projects are going full force. We are in the thick of our busiest season. A H.U.G.E. shoutout to all of our amazing Road Department employees. From our stellar office staff to our crews on the road to the mechanics that keep us all running – every single person on this team deserves some major kudos! And if you are at all interested in joining our team we are still looking for at least 4 road technicians to round out our small crew!


Here is a quick snapshot of what we have been focusing on the last 30 days:

  • All contracted paving projects have been completed with the exception of the shouldering work (which our Valley County crews will complete).
  • All main blading on the valley floor has been completed. We will continue to keep the main roads bladed as needed and as our staffing and unexpected repair schedule allows.
  • 20 culverts have been replaced with another 12 slated to be replaced by the end of the summer. These are critical projects that help us maintain our roadways.
  • Crews finished rebuilding a short section of Nasi Lane (east of Farm to Market) and have moved to 60 Lane (in Round Valley). These were complete rebuilds similar to the Thunder City road rebuild we focused on earlier this spring.
  • We are currently assessing a few roadway issues in the backcountry and working with the Forest Service to formulate a plan to ensure safe travel. Stay tuned for details on these forthcoming projects.


We know road construction is inconvenient at best and appreciate your patience as we work to better our roads in Valley County!

Memorial Weekend Summit Closures

With Memorial Day Weekend approaching, we want to provide some updates on popular mountain summits and access to some of our favorite remote locations. Unfortunately, mountain passes we are typically able to open by the end of May are still impassable. 


🗻Secesh Summit (target open date is mid-June)
🗻Warm Lake Summit (target open date is mid-June)
🗻Deadwood Summit (target is Fourth of July)
🗻Profile Summit (target is Fourth of July)

Of course, these are only targets on when we hope to have these roads cleared - everything is dependent on weather and the rate of snow melt. But the good news...that goes the other way as well! If we can, we will work to open all of these summits as soon as we reasonably and safely can. 

Updates will be posted as soon as we can provide accurate open dates for each summit. 

General Information
Jeff McFadden
Phone Numbers
(208) 382-7195
Fax: (208) 382-7198
Emergencies: Dial 911
520 South Front Street
P.O. Box 672

Winter Hours:
Monday - Friday 7am - 3:30pm

Summer Hours:
Monday – Thursday 7am - 5pm